News and events

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Embrac­ing Cul­tur­al Exchange: Paul’s Jour­ney as an Entre­pre­neur in Fin­land

Meet Paul Fairchild, an enterprising individual, originally from London, England who has called Finland home for the past 24 years.

Bora’s Jour­ney: Find­ing a new dream in Fin­land as a social work­er

Life has a way of guiding us on unexpected paths, leading to incredible transformations. Meet Bora Kim, a kind individual who had a unique journey from South Korea to Oulu, Finland.

Wel­come to the Togeth­er in Sum­mer Pic­nic!

International House Oulu (IH Oulu) is organising a picnic in Ainola Park on Monday 31st of July from 13:00 to 15:00.

Let’s expe­ri­ence this sum­mer togeth­er

We have wonderful news! International House Oulu brings people together in the summer as well.

”Now is the time to bring Rotu­aari to life!” A brand new fes­ti­val in the cen­ter of Oulu on 15–16 July

This summer, the free Africans Cultural Festival will be held in Oulu for the first time, serving African tastes, music and colors.

Net­work­ing & Tips for the Sum­mer­time!

What kind of activities can you do in the summer of Oulu? This was precisely answered at the International House Oulu Networking Event, which focused on summer activities in Oulu.

The most inspir­ing recruit­ment event in the uni­verse – Mega­Match­mak­ing 14.9.

Meet employers, start networking, learn the best tips and tricks with the job hunt, and find yourself a new position at the super-interesting MegaMatchmaking recruitment event.

Job­Corner x 4H: Work and stud­ies avail­able for child coun­sel­lors via pay sub­sidy

We are looking for child tutors for afternoon activities for schoolchildren (1-2 grades) as a wage subsidy employment. The jobs are located at Sarasuo School, Oulu International School, Kaakkuri School and Lämsänjärvi School.

Job­Corner & Alfred: Sev­er­al open posi­tions for restau­rant pro­fes­sion employ­ees

Are you looking for a new direction in the restaurant industry? Join us for a free at JobCorner recruitment event on Thursday 29 of June to find out more about the open positions at Alfred Kitchen & Bar.

Your expe­ri­ence of mov­ing to Oulu – sur­vey

Moving to a new country is never easy. Here at IH Oulu, we know this and want to help future Oulu residents with their relocation here.

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu Net­work­ing event – Sum­mer edi­tion

How can you spend your summer in Oulu? There are a lot to enjoy about Oulu in summer when you know where to go!

Every­one’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val again takes place in Oulu’s Kuu­sisaari on 7.6. – head­lined by Por­tion Boys

The euphoric and free of charge event of the summer, known as the Everybody's Summer Festival, will again take place in Oulu's Kuusisaari on 7 June.