Invest in a tourism area with broad shoul­ders and big ideas

The attrac­tion of our region lies in the won­der­ful nature and sus­tain­ably grow­ing munic­i­pal­i­ties, where the rapid­ly pro­gress­ing impor­tant devel­op­ment projects are unri­valled in Fin­land and the entire world. Hailu­o­to, Ii, Kem­pele, Limin­ka, Lumi­jo­ki, Muhos, Oulu and Tyrnävä – eight win­ning rea­sons to join our growth sto­ry.

Explore the attrac­tive and engag­ing invest­ment options in the vig­or­ous Oulu region:

The invit­ing Marjaniemi, west­ern­most part of Hailu­o­to, is famous for its gor­geous sandy beach­es, light­house and tra­di­tion­al fisherman’s cot­tages. The Marjaniemi devel­op­ment plan area that is cur­rent­ly being imple­ment­ed cre­ates new year-round prospects for tourism, recre­ation and leisure activ­i­ties as well as mari­na devel­op­ment.

Growth oppor­tu­ni­ties in Marjaniemi

A local­ly, region­al­ly and nation­al­ly promi­nent tourist and recre­ation area is speed­i­ly ris­ing in Lin­nakan­gas in Kem­pele, and soon a ca. 10-hectare ground­wa­ter lake Aurinko­järvi will be rip­pling in its cen­tre.

Explore the attrac­tion of Zeni­it­ti

The renew­ing Vir­pinie­mi, famous for its year-round sports and well­be­ing cen­tres, offers prof­itable oppor­tu­ni­ties to invest in and devel­op all-round sports, expe­ri­ence and tourist busi­ness activ­i­ties in an excep­tion­al­ly impres­sive ridge scenery on the Both­n­ian Bay shore.

Fall in love with Vir­pinie­mi

The biggest leisure tourism resort in the Oulu region is being mod­ernised and offers great oppor­tu­ni­ties to invest in and devel­op tourist ser­vices and busi­ness activ­i­ties in a won­der­ful marine envi­ron­ment close to the cen­tre of Oulu.

Busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties in Nal­likari

Europe’s biggest shoot­ing sports cen­tre on the bor­der between Limin­ka and Lumi­jo­ki offers grand facil­i­ties for an indoor shoot­ing range oper­a­tor and inno­v­a­tive ser­vice devel­op­ers.

Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Ruu­tikan­gas

The Vihkosaari tourism area is a unique invest­ment option in a grow­ing and strate­gi­cal­ly excel­lent loca­tion by the traf­fic flow to Lap­land. Invest in excel­lent vis­i­bil­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty in a prime spot by the Both­n­ian Bay!

Fas­ci­nat­ing Vihkosaari

The Mei­jerikatu area in Tyrnävä is a unique and cul­tur­al­ly impor­tant dairy milieu in the Oulu region less than 30 min­utes from the Oulu cen­tre.

Invest in the Mei­jerikatu area

The mod­ern and acces­si­ble Park Hotel Limin­ka is look­ing for a new hotel oper­a­tor. The hotel offers a unique invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty that com­bines a strate­gic loca­tion, estab­lished clien­tele and great growth pos­si­bil­i­ties.

Check Park Hotel

Two blocks for accom­mo­da­tion and busi­ness premis­es in the dis­tin­guished Oulu river­bank scenery, next to com­pre­hen­sive recre­ation ser­vices – how about a hol­i­day resort only half an hour from Oulu Air­port?

Come ashore in Kirkkosaari

Oulu region puls­es in the heart of north­ern cul­tur­al and nat­ur­al experiences. We are a diverse growth cen­tre and famous for lead­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy, pure nature and safe­ty. We are easy to reach by plane, car or rail. Jump onto the growth curve and invest in the attrac­tive tourism area with us.

Secret of sus­tain­able growth sto­ry

We know that account­able and effi­cient tourism busi­ness ben­e­fits every­one. This is what we are invest­ing in bold­ly and broad-mind­ed­ly. When oth­ers are plan­ning, we are already doing. For us, sus­tain­abil­i­ty is not just a promise, but a knowl­edge-dri­ven way to oper­ate. One exam­ple of car­ing and account­abil­i­ty is that Oulu was the first of Finland’s six biggest cities to receive the Sus­tain­able Trav­el Fin­land mark.

Over 270,000 inhab­i­tants in the Oulu region

60 min to Helsin­ki, 3 h to Munich

69 % year-round occu­pan­cy rate in accom­mo­da­tion estab­lish­ments

Ca. 845,000

total overnight stays in paid accom­mo­da­tion in 2024, 9 % growth.


inter­na­tion­al overnight stays in 2024, almost 40 % growth.

Over 50 MEUR

total accom­mo­da­tion sales in 2024, 13 % growth = +6 M€.
