ihou­lun videot

Pavani’s Love for Natu­re and Sau­na

Join Pava­ni from Sri Lan­ka as she explo­res her love for Oulu’s vibrant com­mu­ni­ty and abun­dant oppor­tu­ni­ties. Disco­ver her fasci­na­tion with Fin­nish natu­re, and her int­ro­duc­tion to the unique sau­na cul­tu­re. Cur­rent­ly stu­dying prac­tical nur­sing in Fin­nish.

Sepi­deh’s Jour­ney of Lear­ning and Sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty

Sepi­deh sha­res her admi­ra­tion for Fin­land’s sus­tai­nable prac­tices, such as reusing items and mini­mizing con­su­me­rism, which echoed deeply with her values. Join Sepi­deh as she embraces Fin­nish life and cul­tu­re, eager to learn from their patient and thought­ful approach to life.