
Welco­me to your brand new WordPress ins­tal­la­tion powe­red by the Sera­vo WordPress pro­ject lay­out. Hope­ful­ly you have also deci­ded to host your web­si­te with us and to take advan­ta­ge of all the great fea­tu­res that we pro­vi­de. We have clea­ned up the ins­tal­la­tion to save you the trouble of remo­ving sample con­tent that you would get with a stan­dard WordPress ins­tal­la­tion.

Get­ting Star­ted

If you alrea­dy have a site setup with us at Sera­vo you might want to clo­ne that as desc­ri­bed in our deve­lo­per docs.

If you are using our lay­out with our Vagrant box you alrea­dy have mul­tiple deve­lo­per tools ins­tal­led as desc­ri­bed in our Git­Hub read­me. We have pro­vi­ded you with many use­ful hel­per com­mands and default values that will get you star­ted quickly.

Furt­her Ques­tions

If you have any furt­her ques­tions about our ser­vices or anyt­hing to discuss, don’t hesi­ta­te to check out the fol­lowing resources or con­tact us at:

Oh, and if the­re is anyt­hing you would like to impro­ve with this ins­tal­la­tion process plea­se open a issue on https://github.com/Seravo/wordpress – or why not sub­mit a pull request straight away in the spi­rit of open source softwa­re! 😉