News and events

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Chas­ing Stars: Nav­i­gat­ing the Path to Your Dreams

Dear readers, allow me to share my journey – a voyage fueled by passion and curiosity. My name is Rabia and I am a professional certified teacher from Pakistan.

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu 1 Year Cel­e­bra­tion

We at International House Oulu (IHO) celebrated our one year anniversary with a memorable event that highlighted its achievements and contributions over the past year.

Roll the Dice and Make a Friend – This May at IH Oulu

Ready for another round of board games and networking? Join us on May 15th, 2024, for another fantastic board game night!

From Slo­va­kia to Fin­land: The Expe­ri­ence of Tomas Sle­sar in Oulu

Tomas Slesar, a 37-year-old Slovakian native, has been living in Oulu for 14 years. Coming from the northern parts of Slovakia, Tomas found himself grappling with the unfamiliarity of Finnish summers and how the sun never went down and struggled with sleeping at first.

What projects and asso­ci­a­tions relat­ed to immi­grants are avail­able in the Oulu region?

This webpage lists projects related to immigrants residing in the Oulu region. More information can be found on each project’s website.

Strong inter­est in inter­na­tion­al way of think­ing – Fin­ger­soft builds inter­na­tion­al home

Because games are fun, creating them should be enjoyable too. This is the ideology behind Fingersoft’s culture and way of doing things. Fingersoft is one of the most well-known names in the racing genre of mobile games.

Finnish Work­ing Life and Cul­ture

Are you starting a job in a Finnish company? Are you already working in one, or are you just curious about Finnish working life, and Finnish working culture in general?

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu 1 Year Anniver­sary

Join us as we celebrate the 1-year anniversary of International House Oulu.

Pur­su­ing Dreams from Brazil: Eduardo’s Path of Grat­i­tude

Eduardo Tominaga is a PhD student at the University of Oulu, conducting research on wireless communications as part of the 6G Flagship team. He’s originally from Florianopolis, Brazil, an island off the coast of Brazil’s mainland.

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu Cel­e­brates Its One Year Anniver­sary – Birth­day Cel­e­bra­tions Through­out All of April

Celebrating its birthday month, International House Oulu is marking its one-year journey in style throughout April. All city residents are welcome to join the festivities.

Ready to Roll? Join Us for Board Games and Net­work­ing on April 10th!

Are you ready to get your board game and networking on? We’re back it again, with another one of our amazing board game nights and networking on the 10th of April 2024!

Share Your IHOulu Moment and WIN a 40€ Gift Card!

Share your stories and experiences with us for a chance to win a 40€ gift card.