
It can be chal­len­ging to acqui­re cer­ti­fica­tes for an event’s envi­ron­men­tal work for many rea­sons. Cer­ti­fica­tes and labels indica­ting envi­ron­men­tal work add cre­di­bi­li­ty in the eyes of the financers and other part­ners, not to men­tion the audience – the apprecia­tion for res­pon­sible events is begin­ning to show in tic­ket sales as well. Thus, succes­ses and accomplis­hed goals should be com­mu­nica­ted about in public as well.

When applying for a cer­ti­fica­te, you must exa­mi­ne and do mat­ters pro­per­ly in wri­ting, which simul­ta­nious­ly gives you a good foun­da­tion for instruc­tions for the staff and for other com­mu­nica­tions as well.

Many event ope­ra­tors ran­ging from fes­ti­vals to event houses have car­ried out the cer­ti­fica­te by the domes­tic and prac­tical EcoCom­pass envi­ron­men­tal sys­tem. More infor­ma­tion is pro­vi­ded on the web­si­te by EcoCom­pass. EcoCom­pass is based on the inter­na­tio­nal ISO 20121 sys­tem, who­se broc­hu­re you can down­load for free on the web­si­te by ISO.

The English A Gree­ner Futu­re orga­niza­tion admits cer­ti­fica­tes for music events and fes­ti­vals that do prai­sewort­hy envi­ron­men­tal work. The only fes­ti­val in Fin­land with the cer­ti­fica­te is Ilo­saa­ri­rock, which is also otherwi­se dis­tin­guis­hed as the pio­neer event for res­pon­si­bi­li­ty acti­vi­ties. Read more on A Gree­ner Futu­re web­si­te.

Res­pon­si­bi­li­ty at mee­ting and congress venues is inc­rea­sed in the Glo­bal Des­ti­na­tion Sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty Move­ment pro­gram­me. An equi­va­lent domes­tic pro­gram­me is the Sus­tai­nable Tra­vel Fin­land pro­gram­me, deve­lo­ped by Visit Fin­land. When you want to host and feed event visi­tors res­pon­sibly, it is worth see­king hotels and res­tau­rant with a Green Key cer­ti­fica­te.

When making purc­ha­ses and selec­ting part­ners, it is worth chec­king whet­her the ser­vice pro­vi­der has an envi­ron­men­tal label. Elma is a digi­tal plat­form for sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment that helps live music ope­ra­tors crea­te a sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty pro­gram­me con­ve­nient­ly, whet­her they are event orga­nizers, per­for­mers, pro­mo­ters or venues. The pro­gram­me built in Elma is assis­ted by the UN’s Sus­tai­nable Deve­lop­ment Goals, the SDGs, so it takes into con­si­de­ra­tion all areas of sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment.

In the futu­re, Elma will be deve­lo­ped to ser­ve other per­for­ming arts as well.