
An event that is proud of its green choices and values acti­ve­ly com­mu­nica­tes about its actions to eve­ry­one: the media, the audience, the part­ners, as well as the staff and the volun­teers. The audience can be told what choices have alrea­dy been made on their behalf and also what is expec­ted of them. Tell the audience. for example. that bott­led water is not sold at the event and visi­tors are hoped to bring their own water bott­les, which can be fil­led with clean Fin­nish tap water at the venue’s water points.

For com­mu­nica­tion itself to be res­pon­sible and trans­pa­rent, the event orga­niza­tion must also com­mu­nica­te about things that did not go qui­te as plan­ned. It is easier to tell about nega­ti­ve envi­ron­men­tal impacts if you also tell how the situa­tion will be impro­ved next time. An inc­rea­sed car­bon footprint does not neces­sa­ri­ly tell about reckless­ness in envi­ron­men­tal work, but rat­her about the event orga­niza­tion’s will to deve­lop its acti­vi­ties.

Events are com­mu­nal mee­ting places with influencing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Events can affect both the visi­tors’ atti­tu­des and spark wider inte­rest in acting res­pon­sibly. Thought-pro­vo­king com­mu­nica­tion on sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty is also a good way to att­ract atten­tion to res­pon­sible part­ners.

The use of digi­tal com­mu­nica­tion chan­nels has reduced emis­sions caused by prin­ted event pro­ducts, but it is still worth noting the envi­ron­men­tal load of elect­ro­nic com­mu­nica­tion. Digi­tal emis­sions are caused by the pro­duc­tion and use of appliances and networks and data cent­res nee­ded for data trans­fer. The ICT sec­tor is alrea­dy esti­ma­ted to con­su­me 10 % of the world’s elect­rici­ty.

Do this


Do not be shy to com­mu­nica­te! Inform about the event’s envi­ron­men­tal instruc­tions or sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty pro­gram­me on your web­si­te and social media.

Com­mit emplo­yees, subcont­rac­tors and part­ners to res­pon­si­bi­li­ty in inter­nal and sta­ke­hol­der com­mu­nica­tions.

Make the neces­sa­ry signs and gui­des for the venue from durable mate­rials so that they can be reused year after year.


At the event, com­mu­nica­te via info screens or fes­ti­val apps ins­tead of prin­ting flyers and broc­hu­res.

Chan­ge paper tic­kets for food, drinks or admis­sion to elect­ro­nic iden­ti­fiers in mobi­le devices or fes­ti­val brace­lets.

Ensu­re that any gui­des or signs, for example signs at sor­ting points and assig­ned smo­king areas, are visible from crowd and placed high enough in lar­ge-sca­le events.

Next Level

Remem­ber to use the sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty cri­te­ria also when acqui­ring digi­tal com­mu­nica­tion appliances.

Make an artist inter­view on social media about an artist tou­ring by train or an artist using recycled mate­rials.

Make a visi­tor sur­vey, and ask the audience what they think about the event’s sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty mea­su­res and whet­her they have sug­ges­tions for impro­ve­ments for the event orga­nizer.

Read how Mul­pe­ri Media orga­nized their com­mu­nica­tion on res­pon­sible ciga­ret­te stub­bing at Var­jo fes­ti­val.

More Infor­ma­tion & Tips

For many events, res­pon­si­bi­li­ty is an impor­tant value, and they com­mu­nica­te it in an exempla­ry man­ner. Read more about how the fol­lowing events tell about their res­pon­si­bi­li­ty acti­vi­ties on their web­si­tes: Ilo­saa­ri­rock, Flow Fes­ti­val, Euro­so­nic, Sham­ba­la Fes­ti­val.