Water & Sewe­ra­ge

Alt­hough Fin­land does not have water shor­ta­ge like Sout­hern Euro­pe, our water con­sump­tion has eco­lo­gical sig­ni­ficance too. Saving water and plan­ning sewe­ra­ge helps waterways stay vital and, con­sequent­ly, impro­ves the nature’s sta­te on a broa­der sca­le.

Water and was­tewa­ter network con­nec­tions make it sig­ni­ficant­ly easier to orga­nize events out­doors. Water is nee­ded in dif­fe­rent pha­ses of event food supply, in sani­ta­tion and in was­hing up. If the event is not con­nec­ted to a water supply network, water must be brought to the venue in tanks or in other hygie­nic con­tai­ners. If sewe­ra­ge can­not be redi­rec­ted to a was­tewa­ter sewer by direct pipe­li­ne, it must be pos­sible to pump the was­tewa­ter into a tem­po­ra­ry tank. The water in the tank must be deli­ve­red to a was­tewa­ter treat­ment plant. Arran­ge tank emp­tying with Oulu Waterworks: see con­tact infor­ma­tion on Oulu Waterworks web­si­te.

Por­table toi­lets fami­liar from fes­ti­vals and com­pos­ting toi­lets gai­ning popu­la­ri­ty in event use con­su­me less water than water toi­lets, but handwas­hing faci­li­ties must be arran­ged for all toi­let types.

Do this


Orga­nize a water point, and advice visi­tors to bring their own fil­lable water bott­les.

Super­vi­se that no was­tewa­ter or che­micals end up in the soil and, the­re­by, to the envi­ron­ment and the waterways. Be especial­ly care­ful if your event is orga­nized clo­se to water.

Do not was­te water with a run­ning tap or run water wit­hout a rea­son.


Do not ser­ve or sell any bott­led water.

Use clea­ning met­hods or equip­ment that save water and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly deter­gents.

Ensu­re that the taps for fil­ling water bott­les and handwas­hing do not leak.

Next Level

Inform staff and audience about mode­ra­te water con­sump­tion.

Use taps that are hands-free or have low water pres­su­re.

Do not was­te water for enter­tain­ment pur­po­ses such as foun­tains or tubs.