Noise Pol­lu­tion

Event orga­niz­ers should remem­ber that noise is pol­lu­tion too. Not all sound is noise, but the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion WHO defines the noise lim­it as 65 deci­bels.

Usu­al­ly the max­i­mum deci­bel lim­it for out­door events is around 90–100 dB, for indoor events it is slight­ly low­er – but even pro­longed expo­sure to 85dB can dam­age the hear­ing. As a rule, using audio equip­ment in out­door events is only allowed from 9 am to 10 pm, so if you want to play music out­side this time win­dow, it is rec­om­mend­able that you also con­sid­er the indoor option.

The sound from PA Sys­tem is tem­po­rary noise, mean­ing it must be noti­fied to the local envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion offi­cial. Read more on the City of Oulu Envi­ron­men­tal Con­trol web­site.

Do this


If your event is orga­nized out­doors, take the near­by nature and neigh­bors into con­sid­er­a­tion.

Inform local res­i­dents about the noise caused by your event.

Dis­trib­ute or sell earplugs to the audi­ence, and orga­nize hear­ing pro­tec­tors for the staff.


Place per­form­ing stages and sound sys­tems in such a way that they cause as lit­tle harm as pos­si­ble to the sur­round­ing neigh­bor­hood and that the noise does not trav­el through water­ways to res­i­den­tial hous­es.

Take into con­sid­er­a­tion that noise pol­lu­tion in nature sites can dis­turb ani­mals too.

Next Lev­el

Do not shoot fire­works, which cause noise that caus­es excess stress and fear in pets and birds.