
Choo­sing a venue is one of the most impor­tant deci­sions in event pro­duc­tion. It is the easiest to book a venue desig­ned for events, a concert or con­fe­rence hall, an event park or are­na. Often, howe­ver, the atmosp­he­re of the event and the enti­re brand may be built on a surpri­sing loca­tion choice, in which case special atten­tion should be paid to res­pon­si­bi­li­ty actions.

A cent­ral loca­tion in the city or a loca­tion with good traf­fic con­nec­tions reduce emis­sions in an exempla­ry man­ner.

Do this


Choo­se a venue that can be easi­ly acces­sed via public trans­por­ta­tion or, for example, by bike.

If your event is orga­nized out­doors, ensu­re that the­re is an infra­struc­tu­re that cor­res­ponds the capaci­ty of the event (e.g. elect­rici­ty, was­te mana­ge­ment, toi­lets and sta­ge struc­tu­res) or that you can bring one to the venue.

Take care of the venue’s sani­ta­tion during and also after the event.


When orga­ni­sing an event indoors, inqui­re the house about how they take envi­ron­ment into con­si­de­ra­tion and hope for envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly choices.

Exa­mi­ne and mini­mize the impact of your out­door event on waterways, soil and vege­ta­tion.

Do not dis­turb the natu­re, but rat­her pro­tect sen­si­ti­ve vege­ta­tion from stom­ping, for example by fencing or limi­ting bird nes­ting areas away from event use.

Next Level

Choo­se a venue with an envi­ron­men­tal cer­ti­fica­tion or sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty pro­gram­me.

Try to col­la­bo­ra­te with events that are orga­nized befo­re or after your event. If you orga­nize events on con­secu­ti­ve wee­kends in the same loca­tion, you may be able to build sha­red infra­struc­tu­re, which reduces both the expen­ses and the emis­sions from con­struc­tion.

If you are deter­mi­ned to orga­nize your event at a natu­re site, read care­ful­ly the pdf Juh­lat luon­non hel­mas­sa publis­hed by Met­sä­hal­li­tus (in Fin­nish), even if your venue is not at a natu­re con­ser­va­tion area.