
All areas of event pro­duc­tion require ener­gy. Light­ing, sound pro­jec­tion, com­put­ers, cold stores and oth­er machin­ery and equip­ment both in pre­sen­ta­tion tech­nol­o­gy and in restau­rant and oth­er ser­vices. The car­bon foot­print caused by ener­gy can be reduced by uti­liz­ing areas, parks and oth­er places specif­i­cal­ly designed for event activ­i­ties where the elec­tric­i­ty need in events is usu­al­ly tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion.

If grid elec­tric­i­ty is insuf­fi­cient or does not reach the event area, the ener­gy source must be replaced with aggre­gates. In this case, it is rec­om­mend­able to use aggre­gates that run on plant-based bio­fu­els – and prefer­ably those whose cul­ti­va­tion does not destroy forests or cause harm to indige­nous peo­ples. It is the most respon­si­ble to use oil pro­duced from indus­tri­al waste or residues.

When an event is orga­nized indoors, the event orga­niz­er gets sel­dom to decide what elec­tric­i­ty is used in the event space. It is always still pos­si­ble to pri­or­i­tize venues that uti­lize green elec­tric­i­ty. Elec­tric­i­ty with an EKOen­er­gy label is renew­able and fills the sus­tain­abil­i­ty cri­te­ria. Read more on the inter­na­tion­al EKOen­er­gy web­site, where you can also find instruc­tions on ten­der­ing green elec­tric­i­ty for com­pa­nies.

Do this


Choose renew­able grid elec­tric­i­ty or a low-emis­sion alter­na­tive.

Plan your ener­gy need in advance. Ask for an esti­mate of elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion in the event from event tech­nol­o­gy sup­pli­ers and oth­er sub­con­trac­tors

Use ener­gy-effi­cient equip­ment and favour machin­ery with an ener­gy-sav­ing A ener­gy rat­ing.


Mon­i­tor ener­gy con­sump­tion: map out the elec­tri­cal appli­ances in use and reg­u­lar­ly mea­sure con­sump­tion.

Do not mea­sure pure­ly for the sake of mea­sur­ing but ensure that the results are uti­lized for the ben­e­fit of sav­ing ener­gy. If pro­duc­tion capac­i­ty is too large or inef­fi­cient, reduce pro­duc­tion and save ener­gy.

If you have to use aggre­gates, ensure that they are mea­sured accord­ing to actu­al pow­er con­sump­tion.

Next Lev­el

If you have to use aggre­gates due to insuf­fi­cient pow­er grids, sug­gest devel­op­ing the local elec­tric­i­ty net­work for the ben­e­fit of event­ful­ness to your local ener­gy com­pa­ny or the city.

Avoid unnec­es­sary elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion: reduce light­ing, pause air con­di­tion­ing and turn heat­ing down by one degree.

Involve event audi­ence in ener­gy pro­duc­tion.

At the Frozen Peo­ple win­ter event in Oulu, a hybrid pow­er sta­tion was test­ed, in which, in addi­tion to solar and wind pow­er, elec­tric­i­ty was pro­duced by mus­cle pow­er, as the event audi­ence ped­alled elec­tric­i­ty to a gen­er­a­tor on old exer­cise bikes.