Water & Sewerage

Although Finland does not have water shortage like Southern Europe, our water consumption has ecological significance too. Saving water and planning sewerage helps waterways stay vital and, consequently, improves the nature’s state on a broader scale.
Water and wastewater network connections make it significantly easier to organize events outdoors. Water is needed in different phases of event food supply, in sanitation and in washing up. If the event is not connected to a water supply network, water must be brought to the venue in tanks or in other hygienic containers. If sewerage cannot be redirected to a wastewater sewer by direct pipeline, it must be possible to pump the wastewater into a temporary tank. The water in the tank must be delivered to a wastewater treatment plant. Arrange tank emptying with Oulu Waterworks: see contact information on Oulu Waterworks website.
Portable toilets familiar from festivals and composting toilets gaining popularity in event use consume less water than water toilets, but handwashing facilities must be arranged for all toilet types.
Do this
Organize a water point, and advice visitors to bring their own fillable water bottles.
Supervise that no wastewater or chemicals end up in the soil and, thereby, to the environment and the waterways. Be especially careful if your event is organized close to water.
Do not waste water with a running tap or run water without a reason.
Do not serve or sell any bottled water.
Use cleaning methods or equipment that save water and environmentally friendly detergents.
Ensure that the taps for filling water bottles and handwashing do not leak.
Next Level
Inform staff and audience about moderate water consumption.
Use taps that are hands-free or have low water pressure.
Do not waste water for entertainment purposes such as fountains or tubs.