Cul­tur­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Class II, March 17th

Wel­come to the sec­ond Cul­tur­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Class. This time we will have the plea­sure of learn­ing from Andrew Mel­chior, an inter­na­tion­al cre­ative tech­nol­o­gist and a fore­run­ner of green inno­va­tions, for one Fri­day after­noon. And if you feel like it, you may also spend a fun evening with fel­low cul­tur­al pro­duc­ers. The event is free.

Sched­ule on Fri­day, March 17th
12:00 Wel­come Lunch at Restau­rant Rauha­la
13:00 Andrew Mel­chior: Inspi­ra­tional speech for event orga­niz­ers
14:00 – 16:00 Work­shop at Voimala 1889: Art, Action and Cli­mate Change
16:00 After­work Ses­sion at Tuba Food and Lounge
21:00 Con­cert at Voimala 1889: Dule and Viita­la & yhtye

Get­ting Inspired by Andrew Mel­chior

Andrew start­ed his career as man­ag­er and pro­duc­er for the UK band Elbow, even­tu­al­ly work­ing along­side Sir George Mar­tin and David Bowie at EMI Records, where he ini­ti­at­ed and devel­oped dig­i­tal con­tent and mar­ket­ing inno­va­tions for mobile plat­forms and inter­net audi­ences. His most recent work with Robert del Naja from Mas­sive Attack includes the remas­ter­ing of their clas­sic ‘Mez­za­nine’ album into syn­thet­ic DNA and lead­ing the band’s exper­i­ments in aug­ment­ed real­i­ty, machine learn­ing and robot­ics. As pro­duc­er of Björk’s first vir­tu­al real­i­ty album ‘Vul­ni­cu­ra VR’ his devel­op­ment of real time telep­res­ence and spa­tial audio tech­niques have advanced core tech­nolo­gies for per­form­ers cre­at­ing and pre­sent­ing their cre­ative work in immer­sive media. His cur­rent sus­tain­abil­i­ty focus includes devel­op­ment of low car­bon tour­ing solu­tions and advanced mod­el­ing and sim­u­la­tion projects for future pro­tein farm­ing and design­ing dynam­ic dig­i­tal twins of marine robots.

Work­shop: Art, Action and Cli­mate Change

Par­tic­i­pants are free to present their own respons­es to what is hap­pen­ing to our plan­et and to dis­cuss how arts and sci­ence can help to cre­ate a sym­bol­ic lan­guage and help us to mod­i­fy our per­cep­tions and adapt to change. We will also invite three cas­es to present their ideas based on their own event or fes­ti­val pro­duc­tions.

When you reg­is­ter, you may choose if you want your project to be reviewed by Andrew. All three projects get the stage for half an hour and will receive cus­tomized guid­ance from our expert. The audi­ence at the work­shop is invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in the dis­cus­sion con­cern­ing top­ics such as:
• Who and what has inspired you — and what has most moti­vat­ed you to con­tribute to the cre­ative nar­ra­tive with your works and actions?
• In which sus­tain­able ways have you con­sid­ered to devel­op your event towards 2026?
• What role could new dig­i­tal solu­tions play in these plans?

After the work­shop we invite you to join us for a beer and after­work ses­sion at Tuba Food & Lounge, and lat­er in the evening to a con­cert of two Oulu-based indie artists at the same venue as the work­shop. The Most Sus­tain­able Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture Project pro­vides lunch, cof­fee and tick­ets to the con­cert to all atten­dees (beers and drinks are self-fund­ed).


Reg­is­tra­tion ends 13.3.