Ener­gy-Stingy Stor­age Solu­tion with a Con­tain­er Dry­er

The use of F‑Solutions’s smart con­tain­er dry­ers in reduc­ing car­bon foot­print in the stor­age of event equip­ment.

F‑Solutions inves­ti­gat­ed the abil­i­ty of a solar-pow­ered con­tain­er dry­er to keep ship­ping con­tain­er dry around the year. The goal of the solu­tion was to reduce the ener­gy con­sump­tion of event equip­ment stor­age.

Inno­va­tion Tri­al

F‑Solution’s inno­va­tion tri­al inves­ti­gat­ed how a smart solar-pow­ered con­tain­er dry­er keeps ship­ping con­tain­er dry around the year. Like this, the event equip­ment – tables, tex­tiles and devices – don’t have to be stored in warmed spaces that con­sume ener­gy.

Based on the first tri­al orga­nized in 2022, a design was com­piled for the fol­low­ing sum­mer. The designed device proved to be func­tion­al, but its effi­cien­cy was lack­ing. The results were used in the fol­low-up tri­al in 2023.


Solar pan­els, an invert­er and a des­ic­cant type dry­er, that makes dry­ing pos­si­ble on sub­ze­ro tem­per­a­tures, were installed on the con­tain­ers. To super­vise mois­ture, humid­i­ty sen­sors were used which enabled the super­vi­sion of the gen­er­al humid­i­ty in the con­tain­er as well as the dry­ness of the most sen­si­tive air-tight stor­age box­es equipped with sil­icagel-col­lec­tors. The tri­al found that the use of dessi­cant type dry­ers and sil­icagel equal­iz­ers achieves suf­fi­cient­ly low humid­i­ty lev­els for the year-round stor­age of even the most sen­si­tive mate­ri­als.

98 % of the event equip­ment sur­vives cold stor­age when the humid­i­ty con­trol is tak­en care of. Out of all Vectorama’s equip­ment only adhe­vise tape, glue, smoke flu­id and a dish­wash­er were seen as items that can­not be stored in the cold. It is advised to equip the stor­age spaces with fixed elec­tric­i­ty, but solar pow­er can be suf­fi­cient too: in any case, the ener­gy need is sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er with a con­tain­er dry­er when com­pared to nor­mal warm stor­age.

Thanks to the project, the event orga­niz­er decid­ed to reduce the amount of warm stor­age spaces and find more room for addi­ton­al ship­ping con­tain­ers. Addi­tion­al­ly, it reduces car­go emis­sions because with warm stor­age items would need to be col­lect­ed with a truck mul­ti­ple times dur­ing the event. The ship­ping con­tain­er enables the trans­porta­tion of a 86 cubic meter con­tain­er to the event loca­tion in one trip. Car­bon foot­print is reduced thanks to stor­age ener­gy needs and logis­tics.
