
The cli­mate cri­sis has pre­sent­ed the entire event indus­try with seri­ous and new chal­lenges. Espe­cial­ly large mass fes­ti­vals need new ways of reduc­ing their envi­ron­men­tal load, but sus­tain­abil­i­ty work con­cerns the whole indus­try, includ­ing even small com­mu­ni­ty par­ties. It is smart and also cost-effec­tive to test solu­tions to envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges through inno­va­tion test­ing. Small-scale test­ing results enable find­ing out whether an idea is func­tion­al and scal­able and duplic­a­ble to oth­er events.

Inno­va­tion test­ing in the project was risk-free both for the inno­va­tors and the fes­ti­vals func­tion­ing as test­ing plat­forms, as the inno­va­tions were fund­ed by the project. The inno­va­tors sug­gest­ed their own solu­tions to the fes­ti­vals’ envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges, while the project func­tioned as the nego­tia­tor and the medi­a­tor. A total of 14 inno­va­tion test­ings were exe­cut­ed in the events. Thank you to the Oulu-based Frozen Peo­ple, Hässäkkäpäivät, The Irish Fes­ti­val of Oulu, Qstock, Var­jo fes­ti­val, Vec­tora­ma and Haa­pavesi Folk Music Fes­ti­val, the Kuusamo-based Sol­stice and NUTS Karhunkier­ros and Bät­tre Folk in Hailu­o­to.

Mini Ash­trays out of Recy­cled Mate­ri­als

Com­mu­ni­cat­ing Respon­si­ble Stub­bing Out

Sav­ing cig­a­rette butts in pock­et ash­trays

Skill­ful and Effi­cient Recy­cling

Car­pool­ing to Events

Waste-free Event Din­ing

Waste Com­po­si­tion Mea­sure­ment at Fes­ti­vals

Fes­ti­val Pow­er with Hybrid Ener­gy

Ener­­gy-Stingy Stor­age Solu­tion with a Con­tain­er Dry­er

Fes­ti­val Struc­tures out of Recy­cled Mate­r­i­al

Smart Recy­cling