Saving cigarette butts in pocket ashtrays

Cybershop’s customized Pocket Buddy ashtrays for festival attendees
Collecting cigarette butts from the festival area is a time-consuming task when dismantling an event, but a responsible event organizer does not want any cigarette butts ending up in nature. Cybershop tested their Pocket Buddy ashtray innovation at Hässäkkä-Päivät, ensuring that the festival environment remained clean.
Innovation Trial
Cybershop tested their own innovation, a portable Pocket Buddy pocket ashtray, at the festival to prevent cigarette butts from ending up in nature. The pocket ashtrays were customized to match the visual identity of Hässäkkä-Päivät Festival and the event organizer, Cultural Association Paskakaupunni, making them a stylish and necessary giveaway for festival attendees.
The Pocket Buddies were also used as marketing material on social media and at the festival itself. They were distributed to the audience within the festival area and its immediate vicinity, especially in grassy areas where cleaning is particularly slow.

Cybershop distributed a total of 500 Pocket Buddies, 300 on Friday and 200 on Saturday. On both days, the ashtrays were distributed to festival-goers in less than three hours. Almost everyone who received a pocket ashtray started using the product, and many mentioned that they would continue to use it in the future. Feedback from festival attendees described the innovation as a “great invention,” noting its suitability for various purposes, such as a coin purse or earplug case.
After the festival days, both the festival area and its surroundings were visually inspected, and it was noted that the ground was nearly free of cigarette butts — an excellent outcome for nature, the tester, and the event organizer!
- The trial was organized by Cybershop.
- The event was Hässäkkä-Päivät Festival held on July 7–8, 2023, at Oulun Välivainion Tukikohta.
- The portable Pocket Buddy ashtray reduced the presence of cigarette butts in the festival area and was reported to work excellently for other purposes as well.