Cul­tu­ral Sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty Class II

Welco­me to the second Cul­tu­ral Sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty Class. This time we will have the plea­su­re of lear­ning from Andrew Melc­hior an inter­na­tio­nal crea­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gist and a fore­run­ner of green inno­va­tions for one Fri­day after­noon. And if you feel like it, you may also spend a fun eve­ning with fel­low cul­tu­ral pro­ducers. The event is free.

12:00 Welco­me Lunch at Res­tau­rant Rau­ha­la
13:00 Andrew Melc­hior: Ins­pi­ra­tio­nal speech for event orga­nizers
14:00 – 16:00 Works­hop at Voi­ma­la 1889: Art, Action and Cli­ma­te Chan­ge
16:00 Afterwork Ses­sion at Tuba Food and Loun­ge
21:00 Concert at Voi­ma­la 1889: Dule and Vii­ta­la & yhtye

Get­ting Ins­pi­red by Andrew Melc­hior

Andrew star­ted his career as mana­ger and pro­ducer for the UK band Elbow, even­tual­ly wor­king along­si­de Sir Geor­ge Mar­tin and David Bowie at EMI Records, whe­re he ini­tia­ted and deve­lo­ped digi­tal con­tent and mar­ke­ting inno­va­tions for mobi­le plat­forms and inter­net audiences. His most recent work with Robert del Naja from Mas­si­ve Attack inclu­des the remas­te­ring of their clas­sic ‘Mezza­ni­ne’ album into synt­he­tic DNA and lea­ding the band’s expe­ri­ments in aug­men­ted rea­li­ty, mac­hi­ne lear­ning and robo­tics. As pro­ducer of Björk’s first vir­tual rea­li­ty album ‘Vul­nicu­ra VR’ his deve­lop­ment of real time telepre­sence and spa­tial audio tech­niques have advanced core tech­no­lo­gies for per­for­mers crea­ting and pre­sen­ting their crea­ti­ve work in immer­si­ve media. His cur­rent sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty focus inclu­des deve­lop­ment of low car­bon tou­ring solu­tions and advanced mode­ling and simu­la­tion pro­jects for futu­re pro­tein far­ming and desig­ning dyna­mic digi­tal twins of mari­ne robots.

Works­hop: Art, Action and Cli­ma­te Chan­ge

Par­tici­pants are free to pre­sent their own res­pon­ses to what is hap­pe­ning to our pla­net and to discuss how arts and science can help to crea­te a sym­bo­lic lan­gua­ge and help us to modi­fy our percep­tions and adapt to chan­ge. We will also invi­te three cases to pre­sent their ideas based on their own event or fes­ti­val pro­duc­tions.

When you regis­ter, you may choo­se if you want your pro­ject to be reviewed by Andrew. All three pro­jects get the sta­ge for half an hour and will recei­ve cus­to­mized gui­dance from our expert. The audience at the works­hop is invi­ted to par­tici­pa­te in the discus­sion concer­ning topics such as:
• Who and what has ins­pi­red you — and what has most moti­va­ted you to cont­ri­bu­te to the crea­ti­ve nar­ra­ti­ve with your works and actions?
• In which sus­tai­nable ways have you con­si­de­red to deve­lop your event towards 2026?
• What role could new digi­tal solu­tions play in the­se plans?

After the works­hop we invi­te you to join us for a beer and afterwork ses­sion at Tuba Food & Loun­ge, and later in the eve­ning to a concert of two Oulu-based indie artists at the same venue as the works­hop. The Most Sus­tai­nable Euro­pean Capi­tal of Cul­tu­re Pro­ject pro­vi­des lunch, cof­fee and tic­kets to the concert to all atten­dees (beers and drinks are self-fun­ded).


Regi­stra­tion ends 13.3.