Ideas and Experts welco­me to Prin­toCent Inno­Fest 5. — 6.6.2025

We are see­king IDEAS and EXPERTS to join at Inno­Fest on June 5.–6.6.2025 in Oulu, Fin­land

We have recei­ved some awe­so­me IDEAS can­di­da­tes, but we still loo­king for more! We will choo­se 15 ideas to inno­va­te, test and impro­ve during the 1,5‑day event. You can apply until 21.4.! 

We invi­te ideas from the industry, SMEs and start-ups, orga­niza­tions and student/academic groups and “indi­vi­duals”! Any­one with an inno­va­tion idea who wants to deve­lop it furt­her and check if Prin­ted Intel­li­gence could be part of it, can join. You can bring your own team or come alo­ne, and we will help you build a team. During the event your idea will be eva­lua­ted by a pro­fes­sio­nal jury.

Check out the video whe­re last year’s win­ner Anu­pam Glo­rious Lobo talks about why he joi­ned, the valuable experiences he gai­ned, and who should con­si­der atten­ding this year. 

We are also cal­ling on EXPERTS to join the inno­va­tion teams. We are see­king for experts in all industries and all pro­fes­sions:

Why should you join as an expert or with an idea?

+ Prin­toCent Inno­Fest has been a launc­hing are­na for seve­ral new com­pa­nies and inno­va­tions wit­hin com­pa­nies over the years.

+ it’s a great place to learn more about prin­ted intel­li­gence tech­no­lo­gies, and unders­tand what impact it could have on your pro­duct or busi­ness 

+ get con­nec­ted with top experts in Prin­ted Intel­li­gence and many dif­fe­rent industries 

+ build your network — 100 people from industry and research will be the­re to discuss

+ enjoy 2 days of ins­pi­ra­tio­nal, inter­na­tio­nal tech-atmosp­he­re!

The key in joi­ning Inno­Fest is to have an open mind with a desi­re to come up with the most splen­did ideas and solu­tions.

Our mot­to is “Pay atten­tion – ideas are around you”. Be bra­ve and do join us! Take a look at the atmosp­he­re from last year’s event video and also fol­low the upda­tes on the Prin­toCent Inno­Fest web­si­te

Check out this exci­ting event hap­pe­ning the same week as Inno­Fest!

Screen Prin­ting hands-on trai­ning,  June 3–4  Regis­ter here  

Join inten­si­ve hands-on trai­ning ses­sion to gain essen­tial know­led­ge in Screen Prin­ting Tech­no­lo­gy — free of char­ge!. This trai­ning is desig­ned to pro­vi­de both theo­re­tical unders­tan­ding and prac­tical expe­rience in crea­ting elect­ro­nic struc­tu­res using advanced screen prin­ting tech­nique. Trai­ning will be at Prin­Lab, Oamk. More info

Apply here: Prin­toCent Inno­Fest 2025

With best welco­ming regards,

Satu Väi­nä­mö, Direc­tor, Prin­toCent
Tel. +358 50 437 0978

Soi­le Kemi, Team Lea­der, VTT
Prin­toCent Coor­di­na­tor
Tel. + 358 40 354 8890