Nort­hern Power — Hydro­gen-the­med busi­ness event in Oulu, Fin­land 14.2.2024

Welco­me to join hydro­gen-the­med busi­ness event Nort­hern Power on Februa­ry 14th, 2024 in Tul­li­sa­li, Oulu.

Nort­hern Power is part of Nor­dic Hydro­gen Week on Februa­ry 13–15th, 2024. The full pro­gram for the week will be avai­lable at Both2nia hydro­gen eco­sys­tem web­si­te at from Novem­ber 1st onwards. 

Feel free to sign up and/or sha­re the event wit­hin your per­so­nal busi­ness networks. We are alrea­dy wai­ting for par­tici­pants from Swe­den, Norway, Ger­ma­ny, Net­her­lands and Esto­nia to join us.

The event web­si­te is now open and the the pro­gram is public at

More infor­ma­tion:

Jan­ne Hie­ta­nie­mi
+ 358 40 649 1211